Thanks to the Register for shedding more light on the Post Office situation I blogged about yesterday. Click here to read their article. It seems as many as 20 O.C. post offices could be closed. I'm trying to figure out from their list just how many of these are historically significant structures. Obviously Huntington Beach is, and I fear "Spurgeon Station" may refer to the snazzy 1930s Federal Building & Post Office in Downtown Santa Ana. If you know more about the histories of the post offices on the "watch list," please leave a note in the "comment" section for this post.
The Fullerton Historic Theater Foundation (the group preserving the Fox Theater) asks concerned citizens to attend a public hearing at the Fullerton City Council Chambers, 303 W. Commonwealth Ave, on Aug. 4, at 6:30pm. "Come support the Fox’s request before the Redevelopment Agency to provide financing to begin major Fox improvements."
Disneyland history fans will want to check out Walt Disney's 1965 speech before original "cast members" (Club 55) at the Disneyland Hotel, which has been posted to YouTube. It's about ten minutes of Walt candidly recalling the beginnings of Disneyland.
As of today, E-Ticket magazine will no longer sell back issues with exceptions of issues sold at their "Last Ride" party at Griffith Park on Aug. 7th. The good news is that one final issue has just been completed. For more details, visit E-Ticket's website. I will miss this excellent publication.
Colleen Robledo is redoing the Orange County Heritage Coordinating Council's website. If you had an account on the old site, it should still work, – but you'll need to reset your password.