LOS ANGELES – Barred from using lead in children's jewelry because of its toxicity, some Chinese manufacturers have been substituting the more dangerous heavy metal cadmium in sparkling charm bracelets and shiny pendants being sold throughout the United States, an Associated Press investigation shows.
The most contaminated piece analyzed in lab testing performed for the AP contained a startling 91 percent cadmium by weight. The cadmium content of other contaminated trinkets, all purchased at national and regional chains or franchises, tested at 89 percent, 86 percent and 84 percent by weight. The testing also showed that some items easily shed the heavy metal, raising additional concerns about the levels of exposure to children.
The most contaminated piece analyzed in lab testing performed for the AP contained a startling 91 percent cadmium by weight. The cadmium content of other contaminated trinkets, all purchased at national and regional chains or franchises, tested at 89 percent, 86 percent and 84 percent by weight. The testing also showed that some items easily shed the heavy metal, raising additional concerns about the levels of exposure to children.
Cadmium is a known carcinogen. Like lead, it can hinder brain development in the very young, according to recent research.
OK...I'm going to show my age here
(but not in a Rachel Zoe kind of way)
When I was growing up little girls did not wear jewelry...ever.
Or at least I didn't
It was deemed inappropriate and unnecessary.
Of course I also wasn't allowed to wear nail polish or make-up either until I was a teenager...Perhaps the only accessory that I owned as a child was a pair of white gloves.
(you see...I really am old)
Maybe it was just part of my mainstream middle class WASP background, we're talking low WASP here not high WASP a la Privilege.
But as far as I can remember from my childhood, only Hispanic girls had their ears pierced
and the over adornment of children....especially the dressing of little girls in age inappropriate clothes and accessories, was considered the height of bad taste.
Naturally, I carried my cultural bias over to the way I raised my daughter. There were certainly no manicures of make-up for her. She did though have a gold charm bracelet that was only worn on special occasions maybe once a year. It was meant to be something that she would have as a child, but not actually be worn until she was a teenager.
So now we have a market for cheap children's costume jewelry that is carcinogenic.
You know how I feel about costume jewelry
Not only is it an utter waste of money...
now it can even be dangerous.