Date: August 7th, 2010
Location: Fat Cat Club, Gabroveni No.24, Bucharest
Intent: The First Romanian K-Fanmeeting.
Free Entrance
MCs: Diana Voina, Anca Enache
Participating fanclubs:
• Mirotic Crystal: Spokesman: Diana Voina
• ELF Romania: Spokesman: Andreea Daescu
• Primadonna Romania: Spokesman: Anda Mihaela Tudor
• R.A.F [Romania Asians Fanatic aka 바보오빠 (Babo Oppa )]: Spokesman: Anca Enache
•Shut up and…DBSK [Blog]
14:00 - Opening speech
14:30 - Members’ introduction
15:00 - E.L.F Romania: Founder’s speech The history of the fanclub
15:15 - Mirotic Crystal: Founder’s speech The history of the fanclub, Shut up and…DBSK: Founder’s speech Performance
15:45 - Primadonna Romania: Founder’s speech The history of the fanclub
16:00 - R.A.F [Romania Asians Fanatic aka 바보오빠 (Babo Oppa )]: Founder’s speech The history of the forum
16:15 - Dance battle: Girls
16:30 - Karaoke
17:10 - Games: Kkaebbi Kkaebbi, Catch the mouse, FT Island numbers Horse riding
19:00 - Ending speech
19:20 - Free hugs Walking on the streets with “Free hugs for Korea” sign.
-Intrarea este libera, nu exista restrictii in ceea ce priveste varsta, sexul sau nationalitatea.
-Cei care au performance si reprezentantii fancluburilor sunt rugati sa se prezinte la ora 12:30,
cel tarziu 13:00 in Fat Cat ca sa repetam orarul si sa aranjam sala.
-De asemenea vor fi expuse costume "Hanbok" ca sa puteti sa le admirati si sa faceti poze.
Location: Fat Cat Club, Gabroveni No.24, Bucharest
Intent: The First Romanian K-Fanmeeting.
Free Entrance
MCs: Diana Voina, Anca Enache
Participating fanclubs:
• Mirotic Crystal: Spokesman: Diana Voina
• ELF Romania: Spokesman: Andreea Daescu
• Primadonna Romania: Spokesman: Anda Mihaela Tudor
• R.A.F [Romania Asians Fanatic aka 바보오빠 (Babo Oppa )]: Spokesman: Anca Enache
•Shut up and…DBSK [Blog]
14:00 - Opening speech
14:30 - Members’ introduction
15:00 - E.L.F Romania: Founder’s speech The history of the fanclub
15:15 - Mirotic Crystal: Founder’s speech The history of the fanclub, Shut up and…DBSK: Founder’s speech Performance
15:45 - Primadonna Romania: Founder’s speech The history of the fanclub
16:00 - R.A.F [Romania Asians Fanatic aka 바보오빠 (Babo Oppa )]: Founder’s speech The history of the forum
16:15 - Dance battle: Girls
16:30 - Karaoke
17:10 - Games: Kkaebbi Kkaebbi, Catch the mouse, FT Island numbers Horse riding
19:00 - Ending speech
19:20 - Free hugs Walking on the streets with “Free hugs for Korea” sign.
-Intrarea este libera, nu exista restrictii in ceea ce priveste varsta, sexul sau nationalitatea.
-Cei care au performance si reprezentantii fancluburilor sunt rugati sa se prezinte la ora 12:30,
cel tarziu 13:00 in Fat Cat ca sa repetam orarul si sa aranjam sala.
-De asemenea vor fi expuse costume "Hanbok" ca sa puteti sa le admirati si sa faceti poze.
Mnet ~ Romanian Fans