Kylie Helm Crowned Miss North Dakota’s Outstanding Teen 2011
Kylie Helm Crowned Miss North Dakota’s Outstanding Teen 2011. She will travel to Orlando in August to compete for Miss America's Outstanding Teen 2012.

Pictured, from left, are the finalists for the North Dakota Outstanding Teen and Junior Teen competition, held Saturday night at Williston High School: Morgan Benth 4th runner up, Emily Wingerter 3rd winner up, Haley Wolfe 2nd runner up, Mandi Zavalney 1st runner up, Shae Berger Junior Teen Miss North Dakota; Kylie Helm, North Dakota's Outstanding Teen; Brittany Swenson 1st runner up; Marina Kallias 2nd runner up; Hailey Bendixson 3rd runner up and Emily Ramage 4th runner up. ( courtesy photo of willistonherald.com )
Special thanks and credits to http://us-beauty-pageant.blogspot.com/ & http://shinymeteor.blogspot.com/