ok let's have some 411 on our fave korean artists shall we?
oh and happy belated america's day!long live U.S.A!
and don't forget to check out the new season of we got married on mysoju.com
the real couple concept is going pretty good.i like it:)
mmm my fav korean female artist? hmm tough decision..i guess it should be two of them:Hwang Bo and Seo In Young in that same order:)
as for male option..i cant choose! oh too many:))
congrats to lelis.today she officially finished her exams and had her results! very good ones! luv u cousin dear mwah XOXO
i have to learn at least one kpop coreography.i think i'll start with "gee":)))
Tokyo Dome was a succes!
the boys shined on the stage! and the cassies were awesome!

[EngSub] 090704 Message from Tohoshinki

Kim Hyun Joong happily signs for fans

Earlier today, SS501 leader, Kim Hyun Joong met his fans around 2 pm in Gangnam, Seocho-gu, Seoul for an event held by Hatsseon Chicken (remember that fried chicken CF he did back then?) This is something we’d never seen in the U.S. Meeting your fave star who starred in a Pizza Hut or KFC commercial on TV.. haha… >_> we dun even know they exist sometimes… <_<>
In order to promote their chicken brand, Hatsseon Chicken made a perfect excuse to use Kim Hyun Joong’s popularity with this ‘event’ date’. Customers (and his fans) are given the opportunity to spend a date with him.
In the meantime, SS501 newest 6th album promo activities will start on August 1-2 in Seoul Gymnastic Stadium. This marks the beginning of their Asian Tour concert as they will start the first concert in Seoul for all their home-based fans (before touring to Asian countries).
2009 New CF King & Queen

Son Dam Bi & Lee Min Ho are chosen as the best models for TV commercials
Singer Son Dam Bi and actor Lee Min Ho have been chosen as 2009 most popular (high-demand) models for TV commercials (or what they like to call it “CF” or “Commercial Film”). The event “2009 TV Commercial Festival Awards” was held yesterday Money Today Broadcasting (MTN) at 4 pm in Jung-gu, Seoul Press Center. Lee Min Ho, who has been carrying the torch for getting the highest number of TV ads produced during the half of 2009, is picked as “Best Male Model” for his “Trugen” CF. While Son Dam Bi is chosen as the “Best Female Model” for her “Garden 5″ CF.
Along with them, child movie actor from “Speed Scandal”(oh that child is the sweetest ever!!) Wang Seok Hyeon and his on-screen mom (Actress Park Bo Young) “Hi Mart AC” CF also got an award for the most popular ads chosen by netizens.
Alex in Men’s Health Cool Guy Contest

Singer Alex lookin’ good with his trademark black-framed glasses and that signature smile of his. It must have been weeks since we last heard from him. What a nice surprise!
Last year “Cool Guy” winner, Alex now as the judge
Singer Alex attended the 4th Cool Guy contest from Men’s Health magazine last night, July 2 at Grand Hilton Convention Center, Seoul.
The winners are as follows, group 8eight (Lee Hyun, Baek Chan, Nora) took the Best Singer award, actress Lee Si Young got the Best Health (female) award. Lee Si Young is now best-known as Junjin (Shinhwa member) real life girlfriend after they made public of their relationship (first couple from “We Got Married” who actually hooked up). As for the highest honorary award of 2009 is given to a very cool guy, actor Lee Bum Soo. The same awards have been given last years to Lee Seo Jin in 2007, and Alex in 2008. Lastly, for the 2009 Best Cover Model award is Super Junior Choi Si Won took home the 2009 Best Cover Model award.
Singer Alex, last year’s ‘Cool Guy’s award-winning best singer is invited to the event this year as one of the judges, along with designer Jang Gwang Hyo.
Pictures from last night’s event:
Lee Si Young
Lee Bum Soo
omg! i remember him.i saw him on that show "SNSD horror movie factory",and he reminds me so much of my dear friend(black beat's leader lee soo min) ^_^
i take advantage of mentioning his name and i wish to congratulate him for his upcoming marriage!
chukae oppa! God bless u and Hanna^^
Choi Si Won
mm moshita!
credits: jazzholic.com
Park Myung Soo warded for acute hepatitis

Park Myung Soo has been warded in hospital after being diagnosed with acute hepatitis this morning. His radio show, Park Myung Soo's Dating at 2pm was handed temporarily over to announcer, Oh Sang Jin in his absence.
According to someone from Park Myung Soo's agency, he had started to feel some discomfort since last week due to an overload in his schedule recently. Park Myung Soo had actually gone to the hospital this morning to get treated for flu but he was later diagnosed to have developed acute hepatitis, where flu is one of the symptoms. The source also revealed that from the checkup, Park Myung Soo's liver was diagnosed to be operating at an unhealthy level and a detailed report of his health status will only be out later today.
Park Myung Soo is currently being warded for further observation and it's still touch-and-go on whether he can continue working, including filming for Infinity Challenge, etc
credits: allkpop.com
Friday the 13th

oh Jason
"it's ok Jason..."
say hello to mommy in hell!
omg that movie scared the shieeet out of me last night.i couldnt get to sleep after that for a loong time:|
and the thing is this jason freak has a thing for killing teens:) without even blinking and he likes to surprise them from behind LOL
u'll see where i m getting soon...

so..the story is this:
as me and lelis were walking oh hollywood boulevard(on our first day there), we were kinda lost..we didnt know whick way to go and what to see first.the taxi left us right in front of the "Chinese theatre" so...we wondered around in that area..took photos...filmed..u know..stuff a regular tourist does:D
after we finished staring at the chinese theatre and marks of the star's heands and feet...we were thinking whick way to go so we can see the full boulevard of stars on walk of fame
for one moment i turned my back to the guys desguised in famous characters on the walk of fame...u know those guys u take a photo with and give a tip
I didnt even notice they were close to me,since i was so lost when suddently..i felt something behind my back grabbing me and something sharp holding my throat. Huh
i was filming that moment so i couldnt stop the camera:)) i still have the whole thing on my camera lol if u would see it u'd think its a footage from a horror movie..like THE LAST footage before i died LOL:)))
when i could release a little my neck i turned and saw this hideous guy all dressed up in that freak outfit mummbling something in english i couldnt understand..i think it was something like" do u wanna live throught this?let's take a picture" LOL
i was like smiling but..not really:)))i mean i didnt even know who that wannabe was:)) i never heard abt "JASON" until now:))) but i still was afraid because he was scarry like hell:)))
so we took like 3 pictures,tiped him and got the hell outta` there ^__^
see?that is definetly NOT my real smile:)) i was like "hahaha...wtf?":)))
but still holding the camera very carefully:)(Still rolling)
the freak was grabbing my hair and all, geesh
and at the end of the movie..when everyone thought he is dead and all..(almost happy ending),the two brothers survived,and they threw the freak's body in the lake...
and right b4 the movie ended..what do u think?!the freak rises from the water and takes the girl down with him !!! CRAZYYY ENDDD!!!!
i mean...he could've just stayed dead!!!

a little review:
"Searching for his missing sister, Clay heads up to the eerie woods of legendary Crystal Lake where he stumbles on the creaky remains of rotting old cabins that lie in wait behind moss-covered trees. And that's not the only thing hiding under the brush. Against the advice of police and cautions from the locals, Clay pursues what few leads he has with the help of a young woman he meets among a group of college kids up for an all-thrills weekend. But they are about to find much more than they bargained for. Little do they know, they've entered the domain of one of the most terrifying specters in American film history - the infamous killer who haunts Crystal Lake armed with a razor-sharp machete...Jason Voorhees."
Friday the 13th Remake Trailer
check out the trailer
so...can u imagine ME last night watching this crap alone in the room...
ah the lack of sleep...i freaked out after watching this and remembering the sick fuck who scared me on hollywood boulevard ahh.good think i had no idea then who he was
the movie's oficial site:
check it out,maybe who knows u r sick enough u would want to watch it too:D
hehe OR NOT.

just stay away from the damn woods! dammit!
next movie imma watch is definetly ice age! no more horrors for me xD
come watch ice age 3 with me online
err b4 i go...this picture is a NO-NO
hands off!

SEE YA! ^_~