Hi there!
First of all i wanna apologize for the late post i know i promised something but..miahn..
Starting today i'm gonna change my way of posting..so what u see today is what u'll get from now on:) take it or leave it
kiddin i wanna know what u think..if u like it or not so please dont be afraid to let me know! in the c-box anywhere u want! just shout it out
maybe i can convince lelis to make a poll abt this:D
anywaysss....lets get back to the kpop news presented in a flash-way
here goes nothing..
First of all i wanna apologize for the late post i know i promised something but..miahn..
Starting today i'm gonna change my way of posting..so what u see today is what u'll get from now on:) take it or leave it
kiddin i wanna know what u think..if u like it or not so please dont be afraid to let me know! in the c-box anywhere u want! just shout it out
maybe i can convince lelis to make a poll abt this:D
anywaysss....lets get back to the kpop news presented in a flash-way
here goes nothing..
uuu my spider monkey..

look at him….
hahahah tarzan)))man im dying)) out to hunt for his woman and children))))))))))

yochun-ah~ the incurable romantic guy)

junsu enjoying the facilities of the nature

yuhno yay!
claps for uknow:)) he shaved his armpit hair! finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it was disturbing really!

have u noticed that jaejoong always has the same haircut in summer time?
Remember the photobook in california-grand canion.he has the exact haircut and almost the same clothes style..check out for urself
a week holiday@gran canyon

and now in"please be mine"photobook@saipan

download "Please be mine" storybook here:
TVXQ ~Please Be Mine~ Saipan Photobook part 2 & 3.rar (25.35 MB)
and the first part here:
AADBSK3 Photobook in Saipan preview {50p} [ichigojj].rar (7.66 MB)
Credits: IchigoJJ
Even the nerd-look with his glasses on the beach is the same with the one when he plays chess with yoochun-ah in cali^^

I noticed jae has a weakness for the lily flowers..he likes it very much since every jewelery he has is lily-shaped..weird..it reminds me of vampires…for one certain reason
and especially this set of silver jeweleries..the ring and the pandative..seems like are very dear to him..he wears them alot..and has them for a long time...ive seen them in many pictures.i wonder if they have any sentimental value?maybe a special gift from a special someone...like..his..mum x_X

the thing is i saw a movie long time ago and the people who had a lily tatoo were vampires in that movie..so thats y i sticked with this idea...and everytime i see lily i asociate it with vampires LOL
and its not the only jewelery he has this way..there are many..and i noticed he likes black stones at his jeweleries..he has many many jeweleries with big proeminent black stones.i like those,too.
so i googled the meaning of lilies and here's what i found!
Symbolism of a Lily Flower Tattoo

missing hwang bo? Yeah I know..me too…
here’s a link to see her whereabouts
she is totally gorgeous and i love her style and they way she hides her age!
she's the best!
I'm doing this link stuff because lelis told me to:D
kidding..its just that the blog loads easier this way and its better for u,me and the affies im advertising,ne girls?^__~
so get used to it cause u'll be getting this alot from now on:D
whos that and what have u done with rain?! O_O

see that?he is learning from rain! baaaaaaaaaaaad rain:))) :D

byul and se7en a couple for 7 years! I mean enough allready! Can u effin imagine if one day we would find out that one of dbsk is in a couple for some time..or maybe god knows..a father and husband? I would like..die probably! Only if it would be jaejoong ))
first miyavi now se7en…few more to go..GAHHHHHHH
can u even imagine?cassies going wild…suicides in mases LOLjust kiddin..
could be though hahaha
oh the terror!
I must say though that se7en's taste in women surprised me.I dunno..i think i expected something more...vulgar from him..but she looks like a cute girly girl:) lol u know what i mean^^
Model Lee SoRa, “If I’m 10 years younger, I would have gone after Kim Hyun Joong”

Haha stay in line lady! Cough*old*cough
haha i found the perfect pic for u lady
here's what MC Mong has to say for u:
"bitc# please ! "

Son DamBi to form a project group with After School hmmm why don’t I like after school??I wonder I wonder..oh wait!! I know!!! Its becase park ga hee is mickys ex! Right! Now I remembered ^__^
Hehe…just kiddin..i don’t care less…I just don’t digg her that’s all..probably because she is mickys ex))LOL
junjin and lee-si-young expose their first picture 2gheter on her cyworld!
uhm..ok...what can i say?GOOD FOR U!
i dont see any reason why they should hide..like others...*cough-SE7EN-cough*
I love yobi’s voice! Love it!
I love minho..but when I surfed the original site I found something yummy-er XD the guy from a frozen flowe!!! Eye-candy!!!
check out minho for trungen here:
and here u can check out the other cuttie from "A frozen flower" mmmm
just click "Style-catalogue" and voila! eyecandy! X_x
well hello there….niceeee
i like the blondie :> check them out they are pretty GOOD:> yummy hahahha
clazziquai 4 ever! Love alex’s voice..one of the best singers in korea..with a true talent..and not only looks!
B4 i go..i have a request from a dear fellow fan from romania dee^^
here's the thing...
the romanian fanclub was invited to take part in a project to bring dbsk in europe and ofcourse they said yes.for more infos check the site below.kamsahamnidaaaaaaa
spread the word! dont forget sharing is caring^__^
hah! speaking of bad influence:)) my dear hyun joongie is a bad influence for my jaeboo..he is keeping him late in bars drinking! look at them at God knows what hour in the morning leaving a bar..probably drunk:)))

go away!gah! aahahaha

i showed this pic today to yunnielen and she was like speechless:))
yuhno was totally going for a kiss!...and she was..kinda..blocking it? O_o
who would do that?:)))

the power of cassies@tokyo dome

must see 17 again! Its awesome! I totally recomand it
as for the robert pattinson lovers..must see “little ashes”!
Spoiler allert: he is gay! In the movie that is...
Question:does anybody got an idea where can I watch that "bruno the movie" online?! Please?
and "my name is kim sam soon"
remember i told u i had a wedding to attend last week?
well..here's the result:
here is the part when the bride throws the flowers to the unmarried girls at the wedding,yeah me included(last one from the right)as far as i could get from that bouqet:)) hahahah
no wedding for me too soon LOL
no thank you

the figurines were genial! dont u think so? i liked the idea...
i might be stealing it when...uhm nvm
ah...weddings~ an excuse for ppl to ruin their lives~
may ur life be happy and wealthy
did I mention im going to the seaside next month?cant wait! Actually I ll be leaving on the 30th this month..and ill be back…august 8,9 something like that.
Until then..maybe lelis indulges and posts some news for u aye lelis?^__~