Earlier this year, I was very disappointed to see the bulldozing the old Administration building. But this time the Fair folks did something really nice.
Martin Brower will discuss his book about the development of Irvine, entitled The Irvine Ranch: A Time For People, at the Katie Wheeler Branch Library, 13109 Old Myford Rd., Irvine, on Wed., at 7pm.

The Fountain Valley Historical Society (which I don't get to write about often enough), will hold an ice cream social on Aug. 1, 2-4pm, at Heritage Park, adjacent to the Fountain Valley Branch Library. Sam Talbert's old real estate office will be open for visitors, and a variety of local memorabilia will be on display.
On a sad note, pioneering architectural photographer Julius Schulman has passed away at the age of 98. He took the once dry-as-toast function of photographing buildings for architects and turned it into an inspiring art form. Personally, I also appreciated his sense of humor.
On a sad note, pioneering architectural photographer Julius Schulman has passed away at the age of 98. He took the once dry-as-toast function of photographing buildings for architects and turned it into an inspiring art form. Personally, I also appreciated his sense of humor.
I remember talking with him once about the Richard Neutra/Ramberg & Lowrey-designed Orange County Courthouse (1969), which he photographed extensively. The building's large water feature once notoriously leaked into the basement file rooms during a big storm -- A glitch the County blamed on Neutra and which Neutra blamed on the County's poor maintenance. When I suggested that I might want to write a book about the Courthouse someday, Schulman didn't miss a beat: "I've got your opening line for you: 'It was a dark and stormy night.'"
I also remember an evening lecture and slide show that was largely attended by pretentious snobs. (Their vibe was unmistakable.) I suppose they expected Schulman's talk to be as high-brow as the magazines and galleries his photos appeared in. But along with iconic images and memories of great architects, he also also gave down-to-earth advice to photographers and included many snapshot-like photos of dogs playing in parks and bikini-clad women on the beach. The stuffed shirts in the audience - many of whom brought dates they wanted to impress with their artsyness - turned various shades of red, white and green. It was wonderful.

An exhibit of Schulman's work in Fullerton ends tomorrow (Sunday) at the Fullerton Museum Center.