Wednesday, July 8, 2009

In response to my post about Old Saddleback, Doug MacIntosh sent me this great photo (above) from his trip to the top of Santiago Peak, on July 4, 1977 -- Exactly 32 years before my own trek. He also found a prehistoric biface stone tool that day, at "the edge of the graded road just below the towers... I must have been in third grade." (See photo below.) No doubt, a find like that must have been a factor in nudging him toward his career in archaeology.
Recent Register articles have included historical background on South Coast Plaza, and a story about the defunct Marine Corps Air Stations at El Toro and Tustin (with a related slide-show on their website).
In the blogosphere, Pleasant Family Shopping shares an old image of a Market Basket grocery store, and Kevin Kidney tells us things we didn't know about the first year of Disneyland's Main Street U.S.A.

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